Congratulations to Molly Gamberdella’17, Emily Cornacchio’16 and Steven Duchesne’15 for being included into the competition. Out of 2,290 students that participated, representing 86 schools, three Paier students were selected. Paier College is pleased with this year’s results. This will qualify the student to win a number scholarships. Students art work will be on display at the Society of Illustrators, 128 E 63rd St, New York, NY 10065, May 10– June 4, 2016. In adddition, the students will have their illustrations published in the Student Society of illustrators annual directory.

@2015 “Colorblind”, colorpencils and mixed media, by Molly Gamberdella’17

@2015 “Sacha Baron Cohen”, watercolor by Emily Cornacchio’16

@2014 “Swarm”, graphite, acrylic and oil by Steven Duchesne’15